JW Pavement EcoTechnology

Heavy Load Bearing Properties and Long Term Durability

Another unique quality of JW pervious pavement surfaces is that they are able to bear the burden under constant Heavy Loads,particularly vehicle traffic. The unique combination of the subsurface Aqueduct Grid and Concrete Filler provide a formidible platform by distributing weight over large areas while maintaining strength, stability and long term durability.

Experiments done by Li and Cheng (2004) show that JW pavement,with a 7.5 cm thickness, can withstand 20-30 kg/square centimeters of pressure,equiva- lent to 300-450 psi (heavier vehicle loads are generally about 110 psi).

W.F. Li and J.P. Cheng, 2004: Research Project for JW Precautionary Air-Cycle Aqueduct Pavement Method.Taiwan Construction Research Institute April 2004

In a separate finding, JH Tsai reported that in 2003,TNUT(Tapei National University of Technology) paved campus roads with 8 different commercially avaiable paving products,including the JW pavement. By 2009,after heavy road usage by construction trucks working on campus building renovation, the only pavement free from cracks and maintenance was the JW pavement.

J.H. Tsai, ,2010: Long-term monitoring of the pervious pavements in front of the Architecture Building of the National Taipei University of Technology. (Chinese). CTITV.COM  Today Taiwan 2010.01.16 (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eceONxTUjJk) & 2011.07 (China Scitechnology Business P25 http://www.stmag.cn)

Traditional "Pervious Pavement" alternatives compromise permeability for structural integrity (i.e.larger granularity in fabric weakens the structure). The JW pavement however,maintains high rate of water drainage while keeping the structural stability intact.

Common problems in traditional asphalt pavement requires periodic repaving and frequent spot repairs (as shown below).

The roadway above was repaved with JW pavement. JW pavement can last beyond 10 years without maintenance repair, even for as long as 20 years.

JW pavement is also resistent to "chipping", "pot holes" and other deformation as shown below in traditional sidewalk tile pavements.

Greenhouse Reduction Subsurface Eco-Habitat